Provisions on Some Issues Concerning Resource Tax
国税发[1994]015号Guo Shui Fa [1994] No. 015
I. Assessable source tax volume for products self-produced for own use:in case it is not possible to provide the accurate volume transferred for the taxable products self-produced for own use by the resource tax payers and the taxable volume is calculated with conversion ratio,the following provisions shall be applied specifically:
(I)For coal,when it is not possible to obtain the actual amount transferred before the continuous processing,the actual sales volume and amount for own use of the processed product can be converted to the volume of raw coal as the assessable volume on the basis of the overall yield of processed product.
(II) For raw mines of metal and non-metal mineral products,as the volume of raw mines transferred by taxpayers cannot be accurately obtained,the volume converted from concentrates at concentration ratio can be taken as the assessable volume.
II. Scope of products self-produced for own use
The products self-produced for own use as referred to in the Provisional Regulation for Resource Tax and its Detailed Rules for Implementation include those used for production and those not used for production.
III. The applicable tax amount for resource tax withholding agent is specified as follows:
(1) 独立矿山、联合企业收购未税矿产品的单位,按照本单位应税产品税额标准,依据收购的数量代扣代缴资源税。
(I) For independent mines and combined enterprise purchasing untaxed mineral products, resource tax shall be withheld for the purchased amount at the assessable standard for the taxable product of the units.
(2) 其他收购单位收购的未税矿产品,按主管税务机关核定的应税产品税额标准,依据收购的数量代扣代缴资源税。
(II) For the untaxed mineral products purchased by other purchasing units,resource tax shall be withheld for the purchased amount at the assessable standard for taxable product as verified by the charging taxation authority.
IV. Specific taxation provisions for linking the new and old taxation systems:
(1) 1994年1月1日以前储备的盐,1994年1月1日以后动用的,在动用时由动用单位按动用量依照新的资源税条例规定及税额缴纳盐资源税。
(I) For salt in store before Jan. 1,1994 and used after Jan. 1994,salt resource tax shall be paid by the using unit at the time of use for the amount used according to the new regulation for resource tax and the tax amount.
(2) 1994年1月1日以后储备的盐,按新的资源税条例规定在盐的出场(厂)环节纳税。
(II) For salt stored after Jan. 1, 1994,tax shall be paid when the salt leaves the field (plant) according to the provisions in the new resource tax regulation.
(3) 1994年1月1日以前出场(厂)的未缴纳盐税的盐,到1994年1月1日以后销售的,在运销环节由运销单位按新的资源税条例规定缴纳资源税。
(III) For salt leaving the field (plant) before Jan. 1,1994, for which no salt tax has been paid and which is sold after Jan. 1,1994, the transport and marketing units shall pay the resource tax according to the provisions in the new resource tax regulation in the transport and marketing process.
(IV) For marketing contracts signed before Jan. 1,1994 with goods supplied after Jan. 1, 1994,the resource tax shall be paid according to the provisions in the new resource tax regulation and the tax amount.
V. Ferrous metal ores and non-ferrous metal ores
(I) Ferrous metal ores and of non-ferrous metal ores shall be the metal ores exploited by taxpayers for own use or marketing,by direct smelting in furnaces or by first dressing for concentrates as main product,making artificial mine and finally smelting in furnaces.
(II) Metal mineral ore products for own use shall be the ores for dressing for concentrates, direct smelting in furnaces or for making sinter or pellets.
(III) Ores of iron ore for direct feeding shall be powder ore,ore for blast furnace,ore block for blast furnace,ore block for open-hearth,etc.
(IV) Independent mines shall only be units only engaged in mining or mining and dressing, with independent accounting and bearing gains and losses by themselves, and producing ores and concentrates mainly for selling.
(V) Complex enterprises shall be enterprises engaged in continuous production of mining, ore dressing and smelting (or processing) or in continuous production of mining and smelting (or processing), and their mining units shall normally be their accounting units of level II or below.
VI. Crude oil
(I)Heavy oil, shall be crude oil with oil viscosity greater than 100 mPa/s or specific weight greater than 0.92 under the temperature of oil layer. High condensed oil,shall be crude oil with a freezing point over 40℃ and wax content over 30% for which normal production is not possible with ordinary ways of exploitation.
(II) For condensed oil,resource tax shall be levied as for crude oil.
(III) Other land petroleum extracting enterprises shall be land petroleum extracting units not listed in the "Detailed tax amount of resource tax items" and exploration units with output of oil during petroleum exploration process and selling such oil or using it by its own.
(IV)Offshore petroleum extracting enterprises shall be enterprises engaged in offshore petroleum resources extracting by law within the internal sea,territorial sea and continental shelf of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
VII. Salt