Brief introduction of TianYuan Certified Tax Agent & Audit Firm Guangzhou China。
TianYuan Certified Tax Agent & Audit Firm Guangzhou China (Tehong) is a professional firm which focuses on Financial consultant, accountant auditing, tax plan merger and reorganization, equity, cross-border transactions. Tehong has an excellent history in financial industry from our original establishment to the present day as a multi-disciplinary firm locating in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai of China and Singapore.
During providing persistent services to thousands of international & domestic clients, our objectives are to translate our knowledge and experience into practical value and increase its value to benefit our clientele, staffs and the capital market, particularly assisting firms to grow with solving the problems through our professional consulting pattern.
China now has double roles as both a manufacturing base and a marketplace of global economy. It is appealing to both investors aboard and domestic entrepreneurs. However, China is still a challenging place to do business due to the developing government policies, confusing law system, different culture and risks from the high-speed development. So the foreign investors need the reliable, independent professional advices on national and local issues during the process of the business establishment, construction and expansion in China.
In this situation, with the operation of over thousands programs in Chinese tax and 20 years-experience, Tehong can provide professional solutions to the tax problems that business could face. Moreover, we are capable to provide detailed and effective advices for China-based offices to head office. And we are able to promote the capability of domestic enterprises to invest abroad and analyze financial benefits on new projects as well as to optimize the deployment of local projects.
行业知识Economic industry knowledge
Tehong professionals operate
in multi-disciplinary groups focusing on clients' needs and their industries.
We aim to deliver high-quality services from our dedicated teams operation.
We have established the outstanding team responding the industries of Real estate, automobile, IT, Telecommunication, petrol-chemistry, consumption goods and industrial products. Meanwhile, our senior colleagues of Tehong Singapore Office are capable to handle special cross-national professional issues and issue report by accurately referring to the local general accounting standards. By being familiar in different industries and the situations of China, our professionals are capable to analyze the specific business issues in clients’ industries and also capable to concentrate on providing quality service.
我们的服务Our Professional Solutions
Our professional solutions covers various enterprises that located in Asia, Euro and America, our drive is to fulfill each requirement of our clients.
审计和涉税鉴证Auditing & Attestation
We emphasize that the foundation from examination of the enterprise’s financial data enhances the further understanding of the real issues of the enterprise that results in the continuous improvement of the auditing method. We can also help your business improve its external financial reporting and adapt to new China regulatory requirements.
Our auditing service includes legally required audit of local financial statements and internal audit of enterprise financial statements, as well as tax related authentications and judicial authentications. We can also help your organization report externally on non-financial information, and strengthen your corporate governance procedures. Moreover we are also capable to service as a reporting accountant for stock market listing in the securities market both in China and overseas.
目标管理和内部控制 Enterprise value management solutions
我们的管理项目顾问部门可协助客户进行目标设计、预算管理、目标实现、经营管理审计、风险管理和内控审阅等环节顾问工作方案,并就公司监控环境的各个方面向高级管理层提供独立的意见. 企业管理系统信息技术方案我们的信息技术专业人员可提供以下各类服务:企业管理系统信息技术方案、信息安全、业务持续经营管理、项目风险管理和信息技术战略。
Our internal audit department is ready to help clients for objective design, budget management, objective realization, audit management, risk management and the internal inspection, and to provide independent advice to the company’s management based on all the aspects of monitoring environment. In the aspects of information management, our professionals are capable to provide the following service: information technology of enterprise management system pattern, information security, business continuity management, project risk management and information technology strategies.
财务战略与规划Financial strategy and planning Consultation
我们的项目顾问团队每天在遍布中国各产业区工业园的企业为企业解决管理问题,这些问题主要集中在“财务规范化项目”、“信息披露和汇报”、“全面预算管理项目”、“内部控制项目”、“ERP实施项目”和“成本控制项目” 。我们在这些领域已经取得了显著效果。企业因此得到我们经验丰富的专业顾问协助。
Our project consulting team solves daily management problems among different enterprises in China. The main management problems focus on ‘financial normalization project’, ‘disclosure and report of information’, ‘general budget management project’, ‘internal audit project’, ‘ERP executive project’ and ‘cost control project’. We have outstanding achievements in those areas results from our clients’ enterprises obtained the assistance from our experienced professional consultations.
企业成立与注册Investment Consultation
我们的投资顾问项目部的专业人员各具所长,他们能够为提高 客户的股东价值提供裨益良多的意见。无论客户需要设立企业、股权设计、收购企业、筹资、调查企业舞弊行为、改善绩效还是股权激励、并购重组、投资者关系,我们的专业人员都能设计并协助实施务实而有效的战略,帮助客户实现目标。
Our professionals in this department have specific knowledge for providing various advices to clients for increasing the value of their investments. The professional knowledge provides the capability of assistance in planning and executing the strategies from requirements of clients, regarding the establishment of enterprise, location selection, enterprise purchasing and financing, inspection of corruption, performance improvement, relationships with investors and business reformation.
兼并重组Enterprise M & A merger and acquisition
We help our clients to be listed on board of stock exchange market, In addition we assist them in shareholding reforms and equity structure optimization、merger and acquisition. search for institutional investors, market makers and brokers for our clients. Moreover, we make meticulous preparation and long-term arrangement for our clients to enhance their capital plate。
税收安排和跨境交易Tax Consultation And Global Tax Planning
We kept ourselves updated with the latest ax policies and keep in contact with official tax departments in order to adjust our service form the periodically renewal taxation standards and contribute to the conformable assistance for clients. As a result, our tax professionals provide reliable advices in the aspects of business income tax, import and export duties and other related concerns in China. The emphasis of the tax consultation is to help enterprise obtain governmental deductions and improve clients’ economic benefits from providing suitable advice with considering the influence of the oversea tax policies.
IPO项目和上市公司 IPO Projects and Listed Companies
近年来,我们越来越多的客户成为了公众公司或者他们正在向着上市目标而努力,在这个伟大而艰难的过程中,我们为客户财务规范化管理、尽职调查、企业价值评估、内控和审计、甚至帮助客户进行ERP上线实施或报表功能的二次开发。作为资本市场的顾问机构也和证券公司合作推动客户上市进程。曾协助上市的公司中,今日大多数仍然是我们的客户. 我们的管理顾问们近10年来参与了多个上市公司的并购和股权重组项目、子公司剥离项目以及上市公司投融资的投资可研项目,这些项目经验和解决意见和解决方案正在不断的提升着这上市公司的决策品质和投资效率以及社会正效益.
In recent years, more and more of our clientele have become public companies, or they are able to working hard towards the goal of listing. In this great & difficult process, we provide them with solutions of standardized financial management, due diligence, enterprise value evaluation, internal control and audit, Even we help them carry out ERP online implementation or secondary development of reporting functions. As a consultant of capital market, it also cooperates with securities companies to promote the listing process of clients. Most of the companies that have assisted in listing are still our customers today In the past 10 years, our management consultants have participated in many listed companies' M & A also equity restructuring projects, subsidiary divestiture projects and investment feasibility study projects of listed companies' investment and financing. These project experience, solutions and solutions are constantly improving the decision-making quality, investment efficiency and social positive benefits of the listed company.
投融资第三方财务顾问项目the third-party financial consultant
To provide the third-party financial consultant service for the investor and the project party, to ensure the realization of the interests of both parties objectively and professionally, and to reduce the risk of bad debts.
中小型企业管理策略研究Small & Medium Size Business management Strategy Research
During 26 years of providing services to
enterprises, we developed excellent knowledge and experience to help small and
middle size business. We have excellent expertise to help them to develop
management skills and avoid thorny obstacles during the daily operations. We
can provide research and analysis to help the capital operation in diversified
business of medium enterprises. Our professionals can provide different
systematic solutions that are based on the different companies’ problems. We
will give customized advices and help to update the management system based on
the latest law, regulation and accounting standards.
联系方式 Contact Departments:
投资关系部Public Relations Division:13711113353
专注于投资者关系、企业价值管理咨询、企业并购重组,IPO、MBO、引进VC 或基金等解决方案。
Focus on corporate public relations, organizing business training, tailor made training courses for enterprises.
投资顾问部Investment Advisory Department:13711113363
Focus on helping enterprises to invest in feasibility analysis and opinion agency business registration procedures.
会计事业部Accounting Department:13711113373
Focus on accounting and corporate financial planning analysis, cost control, and export tax rebates
管理项目部Management Project Department:13711113383
Focus on the status quo for the diagnosis and analysis of enterprise management, implementing solutions,
审计事业部Tax & Audit Division:13711113393
专注于中小企业的纳税审查,税务顾问Focus on auditing of SMEs, tax review, tax consultants
客 户 中 心Customer Center: 15011934799
Focus on customer communications and expand, we hear you, enhance service quality.
邮政编码: Zip Cod:510623
公司电话Telephone: (020)85673601
电子邮箱Email:tehong@tehong.com 公司网址:www.tehong.com